
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

MIT at the LSA meeting

Vast numbers of current MIT linguists and alumni prowled the corridors of the Portland Hilton presenting papers and posters at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America on January 8-11, 2015. The following talks and posters featured MIT presenters:

Several recent alumni were also present:

  • Jessica Coon (‘10; McGill) organized and presented at a Tutorial on “LingSync and ProsodyLab-Aligner: Tools for Linguistic Fieldwork and OS2 Experimentation”; her copresenters were recent visiting faculty member Alan Bale (Concordia) and Michal Wagner (‘05; Mcgill)
  • Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (‘14 McGill University): On the position of focus adverbs
  • Jonah Katz (‘10; West Virginia University): Continuity lenition
  • Jonah Katz (‘10; West Virginia University) and Melinda Fricke (Pennsylvania State University): Lenition/fortition patterns aid prosodic segmentation
  • Hadas Kotek (‘14; McGill University) : A new compositional semantics for wh-questions

A picture of Aron Hirsch poster presentation:

A picture of Theodore Levin poster presentation: