The program for the 21st annual meeting of the conference “Semantics and Linguistic Theory” (SALT 21) — to be held at Rutgers May 20 – May 22, 2011 — was announced last week. Here are the speakers with MIT connections:
- Guillaume Thomas: Another and the Meaning of Measure Phrases
- Igor Yanovich: The Problem of Counterfactual de re Attitudes
- Micha Y. Breakstone, Alexandre Cremers, Danny Fox and Martin Hackl: Processing Degree Operator Movement: Implications for Semantics of Differentials
- Jacopo Romoli, Yasutada Sudo and Jesse Snedeker: An Experimental Investigation of Presupposition Projection in Conditional Sentences
- Peter Graff & Jeremy Hartman: Constraints on Predication [alternate; poster session]
- Patrick Grosz: A Uniform Analysis for Concessive “at least” and Optative “at least” [alternate]
- Luka Crni?: Evaluativity and Polarity [poster session]
- Hadas Kotek, Yasutada Sudo, Edwin Howard & Martin Hackl: Is Most More Than Half? [poster session]
- Ezra Keshet (PhD 2008): Contrastive Focus and Paycheck Pronouns [poster session]
- Pranav Anand (Phd 2006), Caroline Andrews, Donka Farkas, Kevin Reschke & Matthew Wagers: Quantification-triggered Inclusivization in Plural Interpretation [poster session]
- Luis Alonso-Ovalle & Paula Menendez-Benito (former visiting professors): Two Types of Epistemic Indefinites: Private Ignorance vs. Public Indifference [poster session]
This is a great showing at the most selective conference in the field.