
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

24.956 Seminar on Topics in East Asian Linguistics

24.956 Seminar on Topics in East Asian Linguistics
T 10-1, 66-156 (when meeting at MIT, including the first class on 9/15)
C-T James Huang, Shigeru Miyagawa

We will take up some recent studies of East Asian syntax that have important theoretical relevance.

Issues include:

  • agreement/topic/focus
  • NP structure: the status of classifiers, plurality, and no/de, etc.
  • ellipsis and null arguments in clauses and nominals
  • comparatives
  • intervention effects
  • Case alternation

While the focus will be on Chinese and Japanese, we will make an attempt to bring in data and analysis from Korean whenever possible. Students are expected to do one class presentation and a final paper. We will alternate the meeting location between Harvard and MIT. See Calendar for the location of each class.