Title of Event: MathMod SPQR — Statistics, Probability Theory, Quantitative methods and R
Organizer: Peter Graff
13th-16th of January 2009, 2pm-5pm, Room TBA
Enrollment limits and prerequisites: Permission of instructor (email graff@mit.edu).
No background in Statistics assumed.
Enrollment limited to 10 students.
Priority will be given to Linguistics, Psychology and Brain and Cognitive Science students and faculty.
This mini-course will introduce basic concepts of probability theory and statistical models applicable to the quantitative study of linguistic phenomena. Participants will learn how to implement statistical models and graphically depict data in the statistical programming language R. Concepts that will be covered include: scales, distributions, hypothesis testing, experimental design, random variables, Central Limit Theorem, Bayes’ Rule, sampling, t-test, ANOVA, regression, logistic regression, mixed models.
Day 1: R language, Graphics, Descriptive Statistics, Scales, Variables
Day 2: Probability Theory - Random Variables, Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Bayes’ Rule, Sampling, Central Limit Theorem
Day 3: Statistical Models - T-Test, Regression, ANOVA, Mixed Models, Logistic Regression
Day 4: Experimental Design
Participants are expected to complete all assigned readings and problem sets.
URL: http://stellar.mit.edu/S/project/mathmod/index.html
Attendance requirements: Participants requested to attend all sessions