
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

Course announcement: 24.964 Opaque Generalizations

Instructors: M. Kenstowicz and D. Steriade
Fridays 9—12, 32-D461

Brief description:

This class discusses the analysis of opaque phonological processes, beginning with the latest proposal, John McCarthy’s OT-with-Candidate-Chains (OT-CC). The broad aim of the class is to reach a conclusion about the need for any unified approach to opacity within OT (as against a divide-and-conquer approach that deals separately with the different phenomena comprising the set of opaque structures); and to explore related issues about the origins and continued productivity of opaque systems.

2-8       OT-CC intro
2-15 OT-CC: the model McCarthy 2006: chapter 3; 4: 4.2. DS
2-22 Case studies 1: Levantine & Bedouin Arabic, Québec French
2-29 Case studies 2: Stress, syncope, epenthesis in Cyrenaican Ar
3-7 Case Study 3: Icelandic
3-14 Derived environments in OT-CC
3-21 Return of global rules
4-4 Other approaches: intermediate inputs
4-11 Still other approaches: contrast preservation
4-18 Opacity as expanded faithfulness
4-25 TBA
5-2 TBA
5-9 Class presentations