
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

Kotek takes over as senior Chair of the LSA Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics (COGEL)

Starting in January 2022, our alum Hadas Kotek (PhD 2014), a Research Affiliate in our department, will become the Senior Chair of the LSA Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics. COGEL’s official charge is “to monitor and advance the status of women in Linguistics and advocate on behalf of gender diversity and equality issues.” COGEL is a self-nominating committee and is always happy to welcome new participants of all genders and career stages. COGEL’s annual meeting will take place virtually on January 14, 2022,  at 12pm EST, and will showcase the committee’s accomplishments over the past year as well as plans for the coming one. Anyone who is interested in attending the meeting or joining the committee should write Hadas Kotek at <hkotek@mit.edu>.