
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

MIT @ CLS 57

The 57th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society was held virtually by the University of Chicago, from May 6, to May 8, 2021. The following members of our community presented:
  • Fulang Chen (4th year): Three anti long-distance dependency effects in Mandarin BEI-construction
  • Peter Grishin (3rd year): Assertions without belief: the semantics of partially deniable evidentials
  • Ruyue Agnes Bi (3rd year): Evaluativity triggered by scalar particles: a pragmatic approach
  • Suzana Fong (PhD 2020): Distinguishing between accounts of the A/A’-distinction: the view from Argentinian Spanish Clitic Doubling
  • Ishani Guha (PhD 2018; now at University of Delhi), Swarnendu Moitra (Jadavpur University) & Paul Marty (PhD 2017; now at University College London): Inverse Scope in scrambling languages: the case of Bangla