
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

Memorial for Morris Halle

Our memorial for Morris Halle took place on the afternoon of Saturday May 5.   

Though the loss of our friend, colleague, and guiding spirit, is unutterably sad, the memorial was — quite appropriately — a celebration.  One by one, Morris’s three children, two grandchildren, former students, co-authors and intellectual fellow travelers spoke, painting a vivid picture of who Morris was and what he contributed to our lives.  The event was presided over by Jay Keyser (left), and the last speaker was Noam Chomsky (right), with whom Morris founded our linguistics program, and (many would say) our field in its modern form. 

About 240 people attended in person, and the event was webcast.  We have received numerous messages from colleagues around the world who watched the event live (some waking up in the middle of the night to do so), and from others who watched it later.  The webcast can still be viewed at http://web.mit.edu/webcast/linquistics/halle/ — skip to 48 minutes in, the actual beginning. When we find a permanent home for a properly edited version of the video, we will let you know.  Every speech was wonderful.  Do watch.
(left to right:  Cecilia Halle and Casey Rose Halle; John Halle; Donca Steriade)