In the weeks since our colleague Morris Halle passed away, many memories, stories, and other appreciations have been posted to linguistics-related sites such as Language Log, Phonolist, Facebook (and others as well) — plus the stories and memories that many of us have shared more personally with each other and with ourselves in thought. We decided it would be good for these memories and thoughts to be collected in one place, with greater permanence. To this end, we have created a memories page on our departmental site, which will form part of a permanent collection of memorial pages for Morris (in progress):
If your life crossed paths with Morris’s, please share your memories, stories, and thoughts on this page. If you have already posted elsewhere, please feel free to just copy that text, if you wish, to our page. That is no problem at all.)
As previously noted here, a memorial for Morris will take place at MIT. Here is an update concerning the location and time, plus important registration information.
Location: Wong auditorium, E51-115 (ground floor of the Tang Center)
Date and time: Saturday, May 5 at 2:00pm
A reception will follow (by invitation only, for registered attendees) on the 6th floor of the Samberg Conference center (former Faculty Club, in the Sloan School building).
So we can estimate the number of attendees, please register at the following site if you are planning to come:
We hope to livestream the event, and make the video available online, but these details will be confirmed in a later announcement.