Our warmest congratulations to this summer’s shower of doctoral dissertators. From Aron Hirsch and Paul Marty’s semantics to Chris O’Brien, Isa Kerem Bayırlı and Ruth Brillman’s syntax and to Sam Zukoff and Ben Storme’s phonology. Between all the fields, a wide variety of topics and excellent defenses, it was truly a fruitful dissertation season. The department was celebrating with an as wide a variety of food and beverages: champagne, a cookie cake, sublime French wine and rakı.
- Aron Hirsch: An inflexible semantics for cross-categorial operators
- Benjamin Storme: Perceptual sources for closed-syllable vowel laxing and nonderived environment effects
- Chris O’Brien: Multiple dominance and interface operations
- Isa Kerem Bayırlı: The universality of concord
- Paul Marty: Implicatures and the DP domain
- Ruth, Brillman: Subject/non-subject extraction asymmetries: the view from tough-constructions
- Sam Zukoff: Indo-European Reduplication: Synchrony, Diachrony, and Theory