Colloquium talks will be held on Fridays from 3:30pm – 5:00pm in 32-155 unless otherwise noted. Please check the colloquia webpage for details and any updates. For further information, please contact organisers Nick Longenbaugh or Elise Newman.
- February 10: Gaja Jarosz (UMass Amherst)
- February 24: Rachel Walker (USC) – Extended visit
- March 3: Vera Gribanova (Stanford)
- March 24: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford) – Third Annual Joint Ling/Phil Colloquium, location TBA
- April 7: Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (University of Manchester)
- April 28: Jonathan Bobaljik (UConn)
- May 5: Jon Gajewski (UConn)
- May 12: Rajesh Bhatt (UMass Amherst) – Extended visit