The 46th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society was held at Concordia University (Montréal, Québec) on October 16-18, 2015. The following MIT students gave talks or poster presentations:
- Athulya Aravind: Minimality and WH licensing in Malayalam
- Kenyon Branan: Case sensitive A-bar movement
- Aron Hirsch: “DP conjunction” as vP conjunction: a case for conjunction reduction
- Nicholas Longenbaugh: The Two predicates Tough
- Ezer Rasin: Phonological architecture and blocking in nonderived environments
- Juliet Stanton: Effects of Allophonic Vowel Nasalization on NC Clusters
- Michelle Yuan: Case and morphosyntactic anti-identity in Yimas
Two of our most distinguished alums gave invited talks …
- Valentine Hacquard (PhD 2006; UMD): Theme and variations in the expression of modality (joint work with Ailis Cournan)
- Omer Preminger (PhD 2011; UMD): Head movement, phrasal movement, and clitic doubling: towards a principled typology
…and the following alumni (also distinguished!) gave presentations:
- Sam Alxatib (PhD 2014; CUNY): Actuality Entailments in Palestinian Arabic
- Seth Cable (PhD 2007; UMass): The Special Implicatures of Optional Past Tense: The Tlingit Decessive and ‘Discontinuous Past’
- Isaac Gould (PhD 2015; UKansas): Modeling Verb Placement Errors in Child Swiss German: The role of ambiguous evidence
- Hadas Kotek (PhD 2014; McGill), Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (PhD 2014; U. Singapore): Unifying Definite and indefinite free relatives: Evidence from Mayan
- Idan Landau (PhD 1999; Ben Gurion): Hybrid Nouns and Agreement Zones within DP
- Theodore Levin (PhD 2015; UMD): Unmarked case is unvalued Case: Default Voice in Formosan restructuring
- Yasutada Sudo (PhD 2012; UCL): List Readings of Conjoined Singular Which-Phrases (joint work with Andreea Nicolae (ZAS) and Patrick Elliott (UCL))
- Susi Wurmbrand (PhD 1998; UConn): Crossing clauses covertly — difficult but not impossible