
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

Issue of Monday, July 1st, 2013

A few midsummer news items …

MIT at the 2013 Linguistic Institute

MIT is well-represented at this year’s Linguistic Institute, currently ongoing at the University of Michigan. Adam Albright is teaching the course “Introduction to Morphophonology”. Representing the rising second-years are Juliet Stanton, Ruth Brillman, Sam Zukoff, Anthony Brohan, Chris O’Brien and Aron Hirsch, joined by incoming first-year student Kenyon Branan.

Pesetsky named Professor Honoris Causa at the University of Bucharest

David Pesetsky has been honored with a Professor Honoris Causa degree at the University of Bucharest, while visiting to give an invited talk at the 15th Annual Conference of the English Department. A photo of the happy event, and a picture of the (impressively Latin) diploma are below. Felicitări, David!



Levin & Preminger paper accepted by NLLT

We are very pleased to announce that a paper by Ted Levin ( third-year, soon to be fourth-year, student) and Omer Preminger (PhD 2011), entitled “Case in Sakha: Are Two Modalities Really Necessary?” has been accepted for publication by Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.  You can download an earlier draft here.  Congratulations to both authors!