
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

Call for abstracts - Conference on Metrical Structure: Text-Setting and Stress (m@90)

On September 20-21, 2013, MIT Linguistics will host a Conference on Metrical Structure: Text-setting and Stress. The conference marks a number of new developments in these fields as well as a number of 90th anniversaries: among them, the publication of Roman Jakobson’s O češkom stixe (1923), the first typological study of meter and stress, hailed as the beginning of Prague School phonology; Eduard Hermann’s Silbenbildung im Griechischen und in den andern indogermanischen Sprachen (1923), the first typological study of syllable weight as applied to quantitative meter; and other 1923 events of significance for the theory of metrical structure. The abbreviated name of the conference is M@90.

О чешком стихеSilbenbildung

Invited Speakers
Stress: Megan Crowhurst, Matt Gordon, William Idsardi, Junko Ito, Mark LibermanJohn McCarthy, Armin Mester, Alan Prince, Olga Vajsman
Meter: François Dell, Nigel Fabb, John Halle, Morris Halle, Kristin Hanson, Bruce Hayes, Paul Kiparsky, Kevin Ryan

We are soliciting abstracts for two poster sessions
: one on the role of metrical structure in stress and the other on the role of metrical structure in poetics. The abstracts should be limited to two pages including references and data and submitted in pdf format. Abstract deadline is April 30 2013. Accepted poster presenters will be notified by May 20, 2013. The address to which abstracts should be sent is stressmeter [æt] mit [dɑt] edu.