- Ayaka Sugawara, Mitcho Erlewine and Hadas Kotek all gave talks at the Semantics Reading Group in Tokyo. Ayaka spoke on “Semantics of English suffix -ish as a degree head”, Hadas talked about “Intervention effects as diagnosing interrogative LFs”, and Mitcho presented a paper entitled “Japanese Head Internal Relative Clauses and Maximal Informativeness”. The same trio then proceeded to Tohoku University in Sendai, where Hadas spoke about “Experimental Investigations of most”, Mitcho discussed ”Kaqchikel Agent Focus: new evidence from multiple extraction constructions.”, and Ayaka presented “Nature of QR: Evidence from first language acquisition of ACD (joint work with Hadask Kotek, Martin Hackl, and Ken Wexler)” — followed by a discussion of the joint project with members of Masatoshi Koizumi’s (PhD 1995) lab.
- In an earlier Whamit!, we reported the acceptance of the paper “Comparing Pluralities” by Gregory Scontras, 5th-year student Peter Graff and Noah Goodman by the journal Cognition. That paper has now appeared, and is the topic of a nice article by the MIT News Office. Have a look!