MIT had a strong presence at this year’s LSA meeting, held in Pittsburgh, January 6-9. The following faculty, students, and recent graduates gave presentations:
- Bronwyn Bjorkman: The syntax of inverted conditional antecedents
- Jessica Coon (Harvard): Prepositions and the perfective: Deriving aspect-based split ergativity
- Jessica Coon and Omer Preminger: Transitivity in Chol:
A new argument for the Split VP Hypothesis
- Kai von Fintel (with David Beaver): Semantics
and pragmatics: The creation of an open access journal
- Suzanne Flynn (with Janet Cohen Sherman,
Alex Immerman, Barbara Lust, James Gair, Jordan
Whitlock, and Diane Rak): Language in aging and
dementia: A pilot study
- Gillian Gallagher (NYU): Auditory features: the case from laryngeal cooccurrence restrictions
- Peter Graff (with Max Bane and Morgan Sonderegger): Phonetic convergence among reality television contestants
- Peter Graff (with Gregory Scontras and Noah D. Goodman): Plural comparison and collective predication
- Peter Graff (with Jeffrey Lim and Sophie Monahan): The determiner complexity hierarchy
- Jonah Katz (Centre national de la recherche scientifique): English duration patterns mirror perceptual asymmetries
- Giorgio Magri (École Normale Supérieure): Towards a non-universal approach to the problem of the acquisition of
phonotactics in Optimality Theory
- Tara McAllister (Montclair State University): Patterns of gestural overlap account for positional fricative neutralization in child phonology
- Pritty Patel: Binding conditions and alienable vs. inalienable possession
- Kirill Shklovsky: Tseltal unnegatives