
The Weekly Newsletter of MIT Linguistics

LFRG 3/15 - Igor Yanovich

WHAT: Work in progress
WHO: Igor Yanovich
TITLE: A non-standard theory of vagueness
WHEN: March 15, 11.30AM – 1PM
WHERE: 32-D831

I will present a “solution” of the sorites paradox (aka the heap paradox, the bald man paradox, etc.) which I believe is new and distinct from earlier solutions. The main idea is that vague predicates come with meaning postulates which are true in a certain kind of infinite models, and are useful for some kinds of practical reasoning, but which lead to dire consequences when used as axioms for reasoning about finite models such as the ones of the sorites paradox situations.


  • 3/22 no meeting – Spring break
  • 3/29 Patrick Grosz
  • 4/5 Peter Graff, practice talk for CLS
  • 4/11 DaeYoung Sohn and Yasutada Sudo