Supernumerary Phonology Circle - Friday 12/4 - Michael Tanenhaus
Michael Tanenhaus, visiting MIT to give a colloquium talk, will talk about speech at a special meeting of the Phonology Circle December 4th, 1:30pm-2:30pm. Please stay tuned for an announcement about the exact location.
Speaker: Michael Tanenhaus (University of Rochester)
Title: Fine-grained phonetic detail in spoken word recognition
Time: Friday 12/4, 1:30-2:30 pm
Location: TBA
Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, it is widely assumed
that some classes of
speech sounds are perceived categorically in a way that exemplars from
other types of
non-speech categories are not. Yet, the articulation of many sounds, including
consonants, varies systematically with position in a prosodic domain.
A system that
discarded sub-phonetic detail would thus be ignoring potentially useful
information. I’ll
review recent data from eye-tracking studies demonstrating that spoken
word recognition
does, in fact, exploit fine-grained sub-phonetic detail to make
probabilistic hypothesis
about lexical candidates, including within-category variation for stop
poster child for categorical perception.