[From Andrew Nevins:]
In case you’ve always wanted to write papers with beautifully formatted trees, automatically numbered examples and footnotes, smooth IPA fonts without feeling guilty about supporting SIL, platform independent PC/Mac compatible, straight-to-PDF, free software that involves no fighting with animated paperclips but only pure logical function application, I’ll hold a 3 day tutorial on the basics of LaTeX Tuesday 1/22 through Thursday 1/24 in Boylston 303 at Harvard. All are welcome. If you could let me know in advance whether you are a Mac or PC user, I can send you some pointers to get LaTeX installed before you come. Bring your laptop if you want — but our primary focus will be on the syntax of LaTeX and how to do linguistics-specific things.
Mac: http://www.tug.org/mactex/
PC: http://miktex.org/2.7/Setup.aspx